A few evenings ago I found myself in a small Chinese provincial city in the middle of nowhere in the illustrious company of
Ulrika Larsson and Joakim Hermansson
Upplevelsebolaget and Leif Davidsson,

After a sumptuous dinner with some Chinese friends the four of us ended up at our hotel wanting a “digestive”.

The hotel bar tuned out to be more than that.

A full out, take no prisoners night club with full blast, state of the art sound system and a laser show that would make Le Byblos in St:Tropez full of envy.

A 40x10 meter superscreen and a stage that would move up and down bringing us one attraction after the other.

The main problem was that we could only order a full bottle of brandy. We were quite desperate so a Hennesy VSOP arrived. “We will take it with us after and drink it all week” we agreed… yeah right!

After a a mellow start a band started playing, followed by a very very disco dance show. Then Mickey and Mimi Mouse appeared on stage in real slick Disneyland outfits and danced. Bizarre? You bet!

As time went by the crowd, all local, became more and more rowdy. Though kept in line by 8 combat equipped police men, helmet and all.

The locals were happy to see a bunch of westerners and one after the other came up to “kambei” with us. That’s “Cheers” in China.

In the wee hours the bar tender went bonkers and started juggling Molotov cocktails around and spewing the guests with 5 meter flames . It was a riot.

How amazing was that!!??? What an incredible evening! I love the colorful shots. Did you do any table dancing? I hear its good exersize! Now I'm not wondering why Nigel was so looking forward to going back to China!
He he -no table dancing as the place was crawling with guards but we managed some dance floor dancing:-)
...he, he the bartender went bonkers, long time since I got such a good laugh!
And in the middle of that my business partner Leif, well next time is my turn for sure.
Keep the flames burning high!
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